Approach to criminological theorizing that is concerned with how the structure of society adapts to the quality of natural resources and to the existence of other human groups
Body of criminology writings authored by convicted felons and ex-inmates who have earned educational credentials or who are associated with others who have credentials
Depicts delinquency as an adaptive problem-solving behavior that occurs in response to problems involving frustrating and undesirable social environments
Sense of social or economic inequality experienced by people who are unable to achieve legitimate success in their surrounding society
Explains crime by reference to the economic and social arrangements in society; this type of theory describes behavior that tends to characterize groups of people rather than individuals
Theory that the causes of crime are rooted in social conditions that favor the wealthy and the politically powerful and neglect the less successful
Makes use of local community resources rather than requiring traditional forms of official intervention
Theory that an area’s physical deterioration contributes to higher crime rates and increased safety issues for residents
Negative official intervention during adolescence leads to increased criminality in early adulthood because it reduces life chances for successful employment and educational achievement
Ecological approach to criminology that emphasizes the importance of geographical location and architectural features as they are associated with criminal victimization