SQL Q&A and Hands-On
Please include the questions with your answers. Answer in complete sentences where applicable.
- Does all standard SQL work in Microsoft Access? Explain.
- List and describe the four basic SQL data types.
- List and describe five SQL built-in functions.The best way to learn SQL is by actually using it. In the following problems, we will use SQL to create, populate, and query a small database. Use SQL in Microsoft Access to complete the problems. Save all queries as instructed in the problem. Submit the database file (save as Pet_Database.accdb and KEEP THIS FILE for use with a later assignment) with all your queries in addition to the Word document containing the questions and answers for numbers 1, 2, and 3.
Use the following information for problems 4 – 10:
PET_OWNER (OwnerID, OwnerLastName, OwnerFirstName, OwnerPhone, OwnerEmail)
PET (PetID, PetName, PetType, PetBreed, PetDOB, OwnerID)
**Note: OwnerID is italicized to indicate the Foreign Key**
- Write an SQL CREATE TABLE statement to create the PET_OWNER table, with OwnerID as a surrogate key. Save as CreatePetOwner.
- Write a set of SQL INSERT statements to populate the PET_OWNER table with the data given above. Save as PopulatePetOwner.
- Write an SQL CREATE TABLE statement to create the PET table, with PetID as a surrogate key. Save as CreatePet.
- Write a set of SQL INSERT statements to populate the PET table with the data given above. Save as PopulatePet.
- Write an SQL statement to display the breed and type of all pets. Save as AllBreeds.
- Write an SQL statement to display the breed, and DOB of all pets having the type Cat. Save as Cats.
- Write an SQL statement to display the first name, last name, and email of all owners, sorted in alphabetical order by last name. Save as AlphaOwners.
- Write an SQL statement to display all the owners’ names, with the first name in all lower case and the last name in all upper case. Save as UpperLower.
- Write an SQL statement to display the total number of pets. Save as TotalPets.
- Write an SQL statement to display the last name, first name and email of any owner who has a NULL value for OwnerPhone. (Note: there should be one owner who has a NULL value for OwnerPhone.) Save as PhoneNull.
- Write an SQL statement to count the number of distinct breeds. Save as NumberOfBreeds.
- Write an SQL statement to display the names of all the dogs. Save as Dogs.