dq 4-2 hector


reply to the students’ response and not the question  in 150 words minimum and provide 1 reference. Respond to the students response as though you are talking to them, use name 


 What do you plan to do with your hard-won degree? Set a SMART goal for yourself and then comment on a classmate’s. Add research but doesn’t have to be from a journal. 

students response


According to Jay, J. P.H.D (2011) “Goals help us to cut through the clutter of a crowded mind and keep thoughts on the things that matter most. They help us focus. To be effective , you can’t just set random goals the way people do-long lists of wishes that pop up at random and eventually fall away. SMART Goals have helped many people move from vague unattainable goals to clear, specific action. You might want  to use this standard to transform your commitments into powerful goals.” Setting SMART goals seems to be very productive in that it allows us to really be specific in how we are going to accomplish them. I don’t think I have ever used this method and although I know where I want to be in 1 year I never sat down and utilized this. 

S- My goal is to become a Manager of Talent Acquisition for Transamerica. I know what it’s like to be a leader as I was a sergeant in the Marine Corps and it gave me satisfaction to be able to develop others and really make an impact on subordinates and my organization. I am at a great organization and would like to hold a leadership role here. 

M- I will know that I am getting closer to my goal by being invited and involved with management in future strategic plans for our group. We are currently experiencing growth and it was brought to my attention that there will be opportunities available soon. The awareness my leadership has around my goals to become a manager will allow me to be more involved as I continue to work hard to obtain this. 

A-  I feel that I do have the resources and capabilities to reach my goal. I am currently advancing my education in completing my Master’s degree in HR, I am utilizing our Talent Development program and having continuous career development conversations with my mentor. Having the resources available to me on a daily basis will not only give me the first hand insight but it will prepare me for what I will be faced with. Shadowing is huge in our organization and the number one resource to cross training and learning something new, so I do believe this is attainable and realistic.

R- I am willing to do what it takes as my commitment level to my career and my organization has continued to grow. I feel that the culture that I am currently a part of encourages upward growth and development and as I am happy to stay here, I want to continue to advance. 

T- A specific target date for me to obtain this goal is January 15th, 2021. I would like to exhaust all my resources in my development as well as complete my degree. Learning processes and the responsibilities of the role is going to be huge for me on order to be ready. I feel like leadership cannot be taught and through my time in the Marine Corps I have adopted those qualities and considered myself to be good at it. 


Jay, J., P.H.D. (2011). Make your SMART goals WISE goals. Agency Sales, 41(11), 36-37. Retrieved from https://nuls.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.nuls.idm.oclc.org/docview/91070131

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