Temple of Hera II
See bellow
SP Part 1b: Building Descriptive & Research Narrative Write a short 400-word Short Researched Report to: · Describe the building’s formal and spatial character · Discuss the cultural, social and political contexts; material and structural technology; relevant precedents and influences · Explain why and how you relate to it (same as Part 1a)
This part of your research should use primary sources (see section on Bibliography below) and include a formatted Bibliography, images, drawings and diagrams to support your description, discussion and explanation. Your research should primarily be conducted using the Morgan State, University of Maryland and Enoch Pratt Library systems. At a minimum, works cited should include three (3) books sources and three (3) journal articles. All sources should be properly quoted and cited (MLA or Chicago style).
SP Part 2: Scale Project Board Bring the plan of your selected building to the same scale as the MSU Campus Site Plan (on Blackboard under “Syllabus | Schedule | Assignment” tab). Then thoughtfully situate it on campus and analyze the scale of the building with reference to the adjacent campus buildings. You will be comparing the sections, elevations and plans at the same scale.
Compose, print and paste your Part 1a & b (Building Selection, Descriptive & Researched Narrative) along with the Campus Site Plan with your historic building situated on it, sectional comparison and graphic material onto a poster (size: 24 inches X 24 inches)
I did this part bellow “I attach the 150 essay”
Building Selection & Appropriation (1%)
Select any building that you consider part of your heritage from the course textbook “A Global history of Architecture” and submit a short 150 word reason for your selection with Plan/Sections at scale (must include a scale bar).