Help with History Essay
Essay: African American Women Leaders between 1877 and 1940Write at least 300 words in an essay format and post by Sunday, 11:55 p.m. ET. At least 2 responses of at least 200 words each by Sunday, 11:55 p.m. ET. African American women are rarely recognized as leaders so we want to bring these women back into history. Select one leader to write on, but since there are so few, it is quite possible that some of you may choose the same person. The focus of this forum is the period between Reconstruction and World War II. You must use at least one source from the APUS library or the course bibliography. You may also search online, but if you do, you must justify the academic quality of the website. In other words, you must use the information below and write a paragraph (not as part of the essay) on how you know your website is legitimate. As with all scholarly work, you should not use the textbook or encyclopedias. The CRAAP test will help you learn what an academic source is:
For online sources, you must ask additional questions. What is the domain (.edu)? Who publishes the site, or sponsors it? Is it recent (has it been updated)? Are there advertisements or signs that it is a poorly designed website with all kinds of distractions? Is the site supposed to be an academic, or is it someone’s pet project? Remember that this is a formal essay of at least 300 words and you need an introduction (with a thesis statement), body, and conclusion. You are required to respond to at least two of your peers. Those responses must be a minimum of 200 words each. You must cite and use at least one academic source. Because students must respond, please post your letter as soon as possible. |
Write about Mary McLeod Bethune