Unit II American History

Unit II Assessment (1 Hour Due Date)


Question 1




Arrange the following key events in U.S. History in chronological order by the dates to which the events occurred. (#1-10)




The Maine is destroyed in Havana harbor




Coney Island opens




Boston Public Library opens




World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago




Ellis Island starts receiving immigrants to the U.S.




NAWSA formed




Knights of Labor founded




Carnegie’s first steel mill opens




New York’s Central Park opens




Great Railroad Strike




Question 2




Based on the following statement, please select all of the options that are true: The following amusement was available during the leisure movement prior to 1900.




Crossword Puzzles T/F




Lincoln Logs T/F




Silly Putty T/F




Mr. Potato Head T/F




Barbie Doll T/F




Beaches T/F




Dance Halls T/F




Hula Hoop T/F




Baseball T/F




Amusement Parks T/F


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