Chapter 22 Study Guide: The Early Industrial Revolution, 1760-1851pp. 618-642 The Technological Revolution12.   What is mass production and why was it…

Chapter 22 Study Guide: The Early Industrial Revolution, 1760-1851

pp. 618-642


The Technological Revolution

12.   What is mass production and why was it so important to the Industrial Revolution?





13.   What is the division of labor and how did it change production?





14.   What roll did roads, canals and new machinery play in mass production of goods?






15.   Why did the steam engine “set the Industrial Revolution apart from all previous periods of growth and innovation”?






16.   How did railroads add to the pace of industrialization?





17.   How did the electric telegraph help create a world that “was rapidly shrinking”?






18.   China had many of the components needed to industrialize. What kept them from doing so on a large scale?





The Impact of the Early Industrial Revolution


19.   How were cities impacted by the Industrial Revolution?





20.   Describe briefly most industrial jobs. How do they compare with industrial jobs today?





21.   How did industrial work impact women and families?





22.   What role did poor children play in industrialization?





23.   How was slavery used in industrialization?





24.   Describe the difference between the rich and poor as accentuated by industrialization.





25.   How did industrialization impact the middle class? What were the varying explanations of causes of success of the middle class?





New Economic and Political Ideas


26.   Explain laissez faire.





27.   What is positivism?




Chapter 22 in Review


28.   What caused the Industrial Revolution?





29.   What were the Key innovations that increased productivity and drove industrialization?





30.   What was the impact of these changes on the society and environment of the industrializing countries?





31.   How did the Industrial Revolution influence the rise of new economic and political ideas?






32.   How did the Industrial Revolution affect the relations between the industrialized and non-industrialized parts of the world?

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