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Ecological Analysis of an Adult Paper

The purpose of the paper is to interview an adult from a different ethnic, racial, or cultural group than you and to assess the individual, his/her environment, and the effects of the interaction between the individual and his/her environment. The person cannot be related to you and is not to be a student or professional from OLLU. I also strongly recommend that you do not interview any individuals with whom you have a personal or familial relationship.

The interview should last for at least 45 minutes. Treat this as an open-ended interview, letting the person tell her or his story. Your interview notes will provide the material for the paper.

When you invite the person to interview with you, assure her or him that whatever is said will be confidential and that only you and your professor will see your words.Tell the person that her or his real name will not be used to protect the interviewee’s privacy. Tell the interviewee that she or he has the right to refuse to answer any question you ask and that participation is voluntary. Additionally, you are required to inform the interviewee of the limitations of confidentiality.

You are expected to demonstrate critical thinking skills, utilize at least five peer reviewed literature resources, and apply APA guidelines correctly.

Drawing on relevant theories, perspectives and models (e.g. development, ecological systems, transactional, strengths perspective), the readings, outside references, and class discussion, write a double-spaced, properly referenced (minimum of five references), 7-to-8-page paper (excluding title and reference page) that includes the following content:

  1. Place the individual within her or his context by discussing important information about the person, her or his multiple identities, (e.g. parent, professional, caregiver, etc.), background, current context, important family members and other relationships, strengths and struggles, etc. Discuss current developmental tasks the individual is negotiating. The purpose of this introductory section is to demonstrate that you have developed a very good sense of who this person is.
  2. Describe and analyze in a culturally sensitive manner the physical, cognitive, moral, social (family, intimates, and peers), emotional/affective and spiritual domains by applying appropriate theories. Pay attention to the person’s multiple roles and identities within those roles.
  3. Describe the ecological/cultural contexts in which the person lives (e.g. class, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.), expounding on the strengths and resiliencies drawn from that culture as well as any oppressions being experienced by the person.
  4. Include a brief, summary discussion of the individual and systematic factors that have shaped this person’s life, the challenges or “issues” he or she currently faces, and how you think the person will navigate the current challenge(s).
  5. At the end of this more formal analysis, write a paragraph or two commenting on your experience of doing this assignment and describe how your cultural lens affected your observation and analysis.
  6. Include in the Appendix an eco-map of the individual’s system (see Chapter 5 of Kirst-Ashman & Hull) and a genogram.  Be clear, concrete, and concise in using these tools as a means of visually depicting the client.

Note: In completing this interview, please refer to page # 175 of Kirst-Ashman & Hull in order to plan for safety. DO NOT CONDUCT AN INTERVIEW WITH SOMEONE THREATENING OR IN A PLACE THAT IS UNSAFE.

Grading Criteria

  1. Place the individual within her or his context by discussingimportant information about the person (Up to 3.5 points)
  • Multiple roles & identities (1/2 point)  
  • Background (1/2 point) 
  • Current social and environmental context (1/2 point)
  • Important family members and other relationships (1/2 point)
  • Individual, social and environmental Strengths (1/2 point)
  • Individual, social and environmental struggles (1/2 point)
  • Developmental tasks the individual is negotiating -Erickson (1/2 point)
  1. Describe and analyze in a culturally sensitive manner the following domains by applying appropriate theories:  (Up to 3 points)
  • Physical – Include physical description in the beginning and any health problems, disabilities, medications, etc (1/2 point) 
  • Cognitive (Piaget) (1/2 point)
  • Moral   (Kohlberg) (1/2 point)
  • Social (family, intimates, and peers) (1/2 point) 
  • Emotional/affective – assessment of emotional regulation, emotional health and disposition. (1/2 point)  
  • Spiritual  (1/2 point) 
  1. Describe the ecological/cultural contexts in which the person lives. Pay attention to the person’s multiple identities. (Up to 2.5 points)
  • Socio economic class (1/4 point)  
  • Ethnicity (1/4 point)
  • Race (1/4 point)
  • Gender (1/4 point) 
  • Sexual orientation (1/4 point)  
  • Expound on strengths/resiliencies drawn from person’s culture (3/4 point)
  • Any oppressions being experienced by the person (1/2 point)  
  1. Include a brief, summary discussion of the: (up to 4 points)
  • Individual and systematic factors that have shaped this person’s life (2 point) 
  • The challenges or “issues” he or she currently faces (1 point)    
  • How you think the person will navigate the current challenge(s) (1 point)
  1. Write a paragraph or two commenting on your own experience of doing this assignment (1.5 points)   
  1. Write about how your cultural lens affected your observation & analysis. (2.5 pts)                    

Note: writing that your cultural lens did not affect your observational and 
Analysis is not acceptable and will result in 0 points. Think critically about this.

  1. Throughout the paper, demonstrate critical thinking skills and utilizes at least 5 peer reviewed resources (4 points)
  1. Writing and APA (4 points) 

Suggested Guidelines for Writing

  • A good assessment/analysis of a person is like a good storyline in a book. It is easy to read, has a sense of movement to it, makes sense when considering the person, and brings insight to the reader and life to the person being assessed.
  • What theory or theories do you find helpful in light of your observation? If several theories seem helpful or parts of several are helpful, use more than one and discuss the differences. You may find yourself having a dialogue between two or more theories as you try to understand the person and his or her interaction with the environment. A caution—one is not able to prove or disprove a theory on the basis of a singular observation; so you will discuss the helpfulness or limitations of one or more theories but your observations will not ‘prove’ or ‘disprove’ any one theory.
  • The theories should be woven into your paper, not just listed, and should be used to support your interpretations. Theories are meant to bring greater insight to a person’s behaviors, feelings, cognitions, etc. If they are not doing so, you may not be applying them correctly. Do not feel as if you have to “teach” the theory. Simply apply it to the person as appropriate.
  • Concrete examples should be used throughout the paper to illustrate your points. It is not enough to say that the person is a given age and therefore should be attending to specific milestones. Instead, give examples of types of behaviors in the person that support your theses. The paper should grow out of your observations.
  • Credit authors and other sources appropriately (APA style). At the end of the paper there should be a reference page, alphabetically listing only the books or articles cited in the text of the paper.
  • Remember that you are the expert. If you do not know the information, it is your responsibility to find it.
  • Understanding another person is a process that evolves through “dwelling within” the experience of that person. It will help if you leave enough time to write a rough draft because the process of writing that rough draft will allow for the process of “dwelling in.” You will then have time to add insights gained through this process

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