Writing Assignment

Instructions–  In this assignment, you are to read and analyze the documents provided in the two links below. Using no more than 12-point font and between 600 and 900 words, provide your analysis by addressing the questions below. [The purpose of the assignment is to analyze primary documents; therefore, citations are unnecessary and the use of outside sources (internet, reference, books and articles, etc.) is prohibited.  Furthermore, using direct quotes from the documents does not indicate any analysis and should be avoided.] 

Compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey plans presented at the Constitutional Convention. Consider the following:

1) What are the structural differences in the plans?  Address the following items for each plan:
a) number of branches of government; b) number of houses in the Congress of each plan; c) congressional members chosen by whom; 
d) length of terms of service for the legislative branch 

2) Are there differences in congressional representation in the plans? Address the following issues:
a) the basis of determining a state’s members; b) votes by states in Congress

3) Do congressional powers differ in the plans?  Discuss the following areas:
a) some varying specific powers enumerated in the plans; b) any powers specifically denied;
c) the relationship between the new federal government and the states

4) Does the executive branch differ in the plans?  Address the following areas for each plan:
a) composition of the executive branch; b) selection of the executive branch;
c) powers provided to the executive

5) How is the judicial branch composed in each plan?  Discuss the following issues:
a) the supreme court composed and chosen how; b) the design and selection of any additional courts

6) In your opinion, which of the two plans provides more power to the new federal government? Explain why specifically.



The Virginia plan–Read only Randolph’s 19 propositions. (They start about halfway down the page)

Madison Debates–June 13

  • The New Jersey plan–Read only Mr. Patterson’s 9 resolutions.

Madison Debates–June 15



Writing Assignment Scoring Rubric

90-100—completely and cogently answered the question 
    -answers all parts of the question presented in a thorough manner
    -provides specific examples from the presented materials
    -provides compelling support for any perspectives presented
    -uses proper English and is free of stylistic and semantic errors

70-89—completely or partially answered the question 
    -answers all or most parts of the question presented in a thorough manner
    -provides some or few specific examples from the presented materials
    -provides some or superficial support for any perspectives presented
    -uses mostly proper English but may have some stylistic and/or semantic errors

69 or less—partially answered the question 
    -answers some parts of the question presented
    -provides few or no specific examples from the presented materials
    -provides no support for any perspectives presented
    -does not use proper English and includes stylistic and/or semantic errors

    –includes questionable and/or suspicious use of outside sources

Last modified: Wednesday, December 11, 2013, 9:30 AM

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