Global Supply Chain Management Resources · Global Supply Chain Management Scoring Guide. · Writing Feedback Tool. For this assignment, use your coursepack to review the case of “Apple Inc.: Managing a Global Supply Chain” by Mark and Johnson

Global Supply Chain Management


·        Global Supply Chain Management Scoring Guide.

·        Writing Feedback Tool.

For this assignment, use your coursepack to review the case of “Apple Inc.: Managing a Global Supply Chain” by Mark and Johnson. In 2–4 double-spaced pages, analyze this case and address the following questions:

·       What are Apple’s key advantages in how it manages its global supply chain operations? Support your analysis with data from the case.

·       What are challenges that Apple faces in the future, and what are the implications for its global supply chain?

·       How does Apple’s supply chain compare with Wal-Mart’s supply chain? How are they different and how are they similar?


Global Supply Chain Re-Engineering


·        Global Supply Chain Re-Engineering Scoring Guide.

·        Writing Feedback Tool.

For this assignment, use your coursepack to review the case of “Elizabeth Arden: Executing Global Supply Chain Re-Engineering” by Gao and Wood. In 2–4 double-spaced pages, analyze this case and address the following questions:

·       Analyze the differences between the current supply chain and the proposed turnkey strategy.

§  What will the change mean for suppliers and their roles? What will it mean for current employees and their roles?

·       Calculate the total financial impact for the re-engineering effort. What does this mean for Elizabeth Arden and its shareholders?

·       Assume the role of Pierre Pirard, what would you do and why?


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