Citing specific evidence from Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front (not from the textbook), how did World War I affect Paul and his friends?
- font size 10 or 12 only
- one-inch margins
- double-spaced
- page number citations for your quoted evidence
- not to exceed one (1) page
- name at the top left
- must have brief introduction and conclusion paragraphs (each not to exceed two sentences)
- You may consider submitting drafts of your assignment to your instructor for feedback before submitting the assignment for a grade. At times, you may be asked to rewrite your essay before it is graded. This is done for your own benefit and will result in an improved grade.
- Good thesis statement and conclusion
- Stay on topic make sure you cite and no plargism
- use these websites to answer this ; ,
Item & Description
Point Value
Points Earned + Specific comments for each item
Thesis/Introduction ~ Clear thesis (sentence 1) which specifically addresses all parts of the assignment question.
Analysis ~ Development of each of the thesis points. Analysis is detailed, understandable and accurate.
Evidence~ Citation of specific historical events/developments to support analysis. This is usually in the form of direct quotes from the referenced source.
Explanation ~ Proper organization for the paragraph with correct English style and grammar usage.
Conclusion ~ Short summation (one sentence) of the paragraph.