Week 5 BUS 508 Rubric

This is week 5 of BUS 508, Due May 7, 2017. You have time for this assignment.


  Unacceptable 0 – 69% F Fair 70 – 79% C Proficient 80 – 89% B Exemplary 90 – 100% A
1. Identify the best financing option and explain your reasoning.
Points Range: 0 (0%) – 22.77 (20.7%)
Does not accurately identify financing option; explanation lacks logic and supporting information.   Demonstrates inadequate understanding of finance.
Points Range: 23.1 (21%) – 26.07 (23.7%)
Accurately identifies financing option; minimally supports answer with logical explanation and information from the Financing Report and/or course material;   OR   Does not accurately identify financing option; adequately supports answers with information from the Financing Report and/or course material.   Demonstrates adequate understanding of finance.
Points Range: 26.4 (24%) – 29.37 (26.7%)
Accurately identifies financing option; adequately supports answer with logical explanation and information from the Financing Report and/or course material. Demonstrates good understanding of finance.
Points Range: 29.7 (27%) – 33 (30%)
Accurately identifies financing option; thoroughly supports answer with logical explanation and specific information from the Financing Report and course material. Demonstrates excellent understanding of finance.
2. Identify the next step in the accounting cycle for the junior accountant to complete and explain your reasoning.
Points Range: 0 (0%) – 15.18 (13.8%)
Does not accurately identify accounting cycle step; explanation is missing or lacks logic and supporting information.   Demonstrates inadequate understanding of accounting.
Points Range: 15.4 (14%) – 17.38 (15.8%)
Accurately identifies accounting cycle step; minimally supports answer with logical explanation and information from course material;   OR   Does not accurately identify financing option; adequately supports answers with information from course material.   Demonstrates adequate understanding of accounting.
Points Range: 17.6 (16%) – 19.58 (17.8%)
Accurately identifies accounting cycle step; adequately supports answer with logical explanation and information from course material. Demonstrates good understanding of accounting.
Points Range: 19.8 (18%) – 22 (20%)
Accurately identifies accounting cycle step; thoroughly supports answer with logical explanation and specific information from course material. Demonstrates excellent understanding of accounting.
3. Identify the best financial statement to provide to the potential investor and explain your reasoning.
Points Range: 0 (0%) – 15.18 (13.8%)
Does not accurately identify financial statement and/or explanation is missing or lacks logic and supporting information.   Demonstrates inadequate understanding of financial statements.
Points Range: 15.4 (14%) – 17.38 (15.8%)
Accurately identifies financial statement; minimally supports answer with logical explanation and information from financial statements and/or course material;   OR   Does not accurately identify financial statement; adequately supports answers with information from financial statements and/or course material.   Demonstrates adequate understanding of financial statements.
Points Range: 17.6 (16%) – 19.58 (17.8%)
Accurately identifies the financial statement; adequately supports answer with logical explanation and information from financial statements and course material. Demonstrates good understanding of financial statements.
Points Range: 19.8 (18%) – 22 (20%)
Accurately identifies financial statement; thoroughly supports answer with logical explanation and specific information from financial statements and course material. Demonstrates excellent understanding of financial statements.
4. Recommend whether or not, you as the financier, should invest in SunsTruck and explain reasoning.
Points Range: 0 (0%) – 15.18 (13.8%)
Makes no recommendation and/or does not provide supporting explanation or information.   Demonstrates inadequate understanding of financial analysis.
Points Range: 15.4 (14%) – 17.38 (15.8%)
Makes a recommendation; minimally supports answer with logical explanation and information from financial statements and/or course material.  Demonstrates adequate understanding of financial analysis.
Points Range: 17.6 (16%) – 19.58 (17.8%)
Makes a recommendation; adequately supports answer with logical explanation and information from financial statements and course material.  Demonstrates good understanding of financial analysis.
Points Range: 19.8 (18%) – 22 (20%)
Makes a recommendation; thoroughly supports answer with logical explanation and specific information from financial statements and course material.  Demonstrates excellent understanding of financial analysis.
5. Write in a professional manner using correct grammar and spelling and appropriate citations.
Points Range: 0 (0%) – 7.59 (6.9%)
Writing does not meet minimal standards.   Tone is not professional.   Lacking in logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. Contains many spelling and/or grammatical errors. Does not include citations or they do not allow the reader to locate the source.
Points Range: 7.7 (7%) – 8.69 (7.9%)
Writing is satisfactory.   Professional tone is developing.   Shows moderate logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting.   May contain more than 2-4 spelling and/or grammatical errors. Includes citations but they may be inconsistently formatted or they do not easily allow the reader to locate the source.
Points Range: 8.8 (8%) – 9.79 (8.9%)
Writing is mostly good. Tone is professional. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting. May contain few or no spelling and/or grammatical errors. Includes citations that allow the reader to locate the source.
Points Range: 9.9 (9%) – 11 (10%)
Writing is excellent. Tone is professional and sophisticated. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting. Contains no spelling or grammatical errors and work is cited consistently so that the reader can locate the work cited.


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