
English 300 Definition Essay

Definition Essay is Due ________________.  It is to meet the following criteria:

1.      2-3pages in length; not including the Works Cited page

2.      Follow your formatting style and provide both in-text citing and a bibliography page.

3.      A clear thesis statement is required.

4.      Use a minimum of three outside sources for support and since you are defining a concept in your field of study and will be doing an annotated bibliography, keep that is mind for possibly using these three sources as part of that assignment.

5.      NEVER use Wikipedia – self policed websites cannot be counted on for truthful and credible information.

6.      A clean, printed, hard copy is to be turned in to the professor in class.

7.      The essays are due on the assigned day (on the syllabus) and will be docked one letter grade per day that they are late.  That means EVERY day, not just class days.


Purpose: The purpose for definition writing is to provide a more detailed and extended definition than is generally found in a dictionary or simple definition.  If you take an informative approach the tone should be detached and objective. If the tone takes a persuasive slant, the tone might be more urgent. A third possibility for definition is satiric, where a funny approach works well.   

When taking the purpose into account, it is imperative that the purpose be kept in mind so that the essay stays focused on the stated thesis.


Audience: If the essay is meant to inform for general readers, helpful sources should include examples, characteristics and origins.  If the essay is meant to persuade then the focus may shift toward a more emotional tone that ignites the reader’s feelings and wish for change.  If the approach is satiric the focus can show a more humorous definition but be sure to choose a topic that is appropriate for humor.  As always, the audience for college essays should be inclusionary and be for all to read and written at an adult level.

·         When developing the information to be added to a definition essay remember to:

·         1st – choose a term that fulfills the definition requirement and is a topic that is broad enough to define (i.e. cult, friend, loyalty, academic honesty, effective parenting)

·         2nd – Classify the term (i.e. Academic dishonesty – cheating)

·         3rd – Characteristics (i.e. cheating on a test, looking up answers on a phone, plagiarism, copying another person’s homework, etc.)

·         Develop the extended definition by asking questions:

§  How does X look, taste, smell, feel and sound? (Narration)

§  What are some typical instances of X? (Exemplification)

§  How does X work? (Process Analysis)

§  What leads to X? What are X’s consequences? (Cause-Effect)

§  What does X do? (Narration)

·         What are X’s component parts? What different forms can X take? (Division-Classification)

·         What is X like or unlike? (Comparison-Contrast)

Organization and Development: Generally definition essays need to sharpen the focus of the reader by grabbing his or her attention by creating a very strong introduction that provides a brief, formal definition of the term that the extended definition will explore. Definition by negation is often helpful in that the essay can explore what a term is NOT. Another possibility for development is to create a stipulative definition that defines something in small terms. (Ex. Defined narrowly, a good student is one who gets good grades.) The introduction might also end with a plan of development. (Ex.  Academic dishonesty begins with doing something easily justified in a students’ mind, becomes an easy out, and ends with cheating becoming the normal mode of behavior.)


Criteria for Evaluation: 100 points (ie. 90 points if 90%, etc. but overall, 10% of your class grade)

30 points: Development

1.      Has clear introduction and thesis statement.

2.      Follows clear organizational pattern

3.      Has appropriate title in the correct placement

4.      Type of audience is considered

5.      Tone is appropriate for the topic

6.      Topic is supported fully

7.      Has clear transitions from point and paragraph to point and paragraph

8.      Style of conclusion is both suited to the topic and logical without adding new information

9.      Stays on topic and does not veer off in unnecessary directions

35 points: Grammar

1.      Has no comma splices

2.      Has no run-ons or fragments

3.      Uses correct pronoun agreement

4.      Uses varied sentence structure

5.      Spelling is carefully checked

6.      Word choice is clear and appropriate

7.      There is no faulty subject or verb agreement

8.      All sentences are parallel

9.      Commas and apostrophes are used correctly

10.  Underlining, italics, capital letters, etc. are correct

35 points: Proper Use of MLA

1.      Spacing is correct; without extra spaces used unnecessarily (2.0)

2.      Proper information is listed at the top and left (Name, Class, Assignment Type/#, Date)

3.      Name and page #’s are at the top right ½ inch from the top

4.      In-text citations are correct and in the right place

5.      Is the correct length with the correct number of sources

6.      The Works Cited page has the proper format and correct heading

7.      Information is properly credited to sources


8.       Has proper margins and fonts

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