
Cause/Effect or Proposal Argument Essay


The Specifics – this applies to BOTH option A or B

·      Must be 3-4 pages, double spaced

·      Times New Roman, 12 pt font

·      Hook and Title

·      Sources: Must include at least three acceptable sources with proper in-text citation and a Works Cited page (APA or MLA)

·      On your paper heading on the left hand side, indicate the type of essay: Cause, Effect or Proposal)

Option A: Cause OR Effect Argument Essay

Explain and argue the causes of a particular situation (an event, a phenomenon, or a trend) that interests you. Narrow your topic enough to treat it in some detail, and provide more than a mere list of causes.

In a nutshell:

·      Argue the causes of your particular topic, identifying the main and contributory causes

·      Use researched evidence (including direct quotes) to support your claims.

In addition to simply arguing the cause of a particular topic, you will need to backup your assertions with researched evidence. You will have to research your topic to find evidence that helps you argue your cause(s).

You are free to choose your own topic. You are also welcome to write an EFFECT essay (it’s one or the other for this assignment; do not write a cause and effect essay).

Structuring a Cause OR Effect Argument

Here is a general template to work off as you’re putting your paper together:

*Note: your thesis should state the MAJOR cause or effect of your situation/topic. But this thesis will be preceded with a line to briefly mention your contributory causes (two should be good for this paper length) in order to set up the paper properly.

  • Title: The causal/effect question makes a great title for your essay. Your answer to the question will be the thesis of your paper.

·      Introduction – explain the need to examine the causes or consider effects

o   Include a line about contributory causes. Then state your thesis which should include the major cause. For example: “Family disputes and the hassle of traveling are among some of the reasons why people dread the holidays. Above all else/by far/it is clear that unrealistic expectations are one of the primary/major causes of holiday stress.”

·      Background on the topic

·      Refutation of opposing arguments (this could be combined with Background in one paragraph)

·      Contributory causes or effects – discuss less important causes or effects with ONE SOURCE

·      Major cause or effect –  discuss major causes or effects with AT LEAST TWO SOURCES

·      Conclusion

Option B: Proposal Argument

This essay should do two things:

·      Convince me that a problem does, in fact, exist and is need of a solution

o   Go into detail about the problem; who does it affect, what is the relevant history and background, give me some context, what’s at stake here if nothing happens. Make it real, hard-hitting and persuasive enough to have a reader (me) care about this particular problem

o   One of your sources should provide evidence for this problem

·      Offer a solution that is practical and worthwhile

o   Be clear about the benefits of your solution and think about how you can address the following:

      • $$$    you don’t have to give me specific numbers, but if there’s money involved, show me where the money is coming from
      • who will be responsible for implementing it,
      • how easily it can be implemented,
      • how much time it will take to set it up and make it work,
      • what kinds of materials and labor are needed to make it work,
      • how it addresses the problem

o   You’re not necessarily proposing an original solution to a problem – you’re picking one among many existing proposed options or you can certainly come up with a hybrid of ideas or something entirely new that could still have elements backed up by research.

Picking a Topic

You can make either a practical proposal for a specific, local problem or a policy proposal that addresses a broader issue. You may write on any topic you wish, but make sure that you can deal with it adequately in a 4 page paper.

General structure

*denotes where you should include one of your three sources

·      Title:  You can be creative or stick with “A Proposal to ____”

·      Introduction – hook, context and thesis

·      *Explanation of the Problem – what is it; why does it need to be solved

·      *Explanation of Solution – your proposed solution

·      *Evidence in support of your Solution – use sources here

·      Benefits in support of your Solution – who does it impact, how, give me numbers and heartwarming stuff here

·      Refutation of Opposing Arguments – address objections to the proposal

·      Conclusion



(((pleas,don’t forget the topic and to highlight thesis statement,  and to underline purpose statement and bold ethics)))

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