Article comparison

A paper of 1000-2000 words including an additional Works Cited section in proper MLA format. Include direct quotes from the texts that use proper MLA in line citation style. 


A Paper Instructions

Please choose one essay (choices listed below) and search the World Wide Web and find an article on a similar subject. For example, if you choose the article on coffee, you might find another article on the history of beer or chocolate.

Then write a paper comparing and contrasting the two articles in terms of their use of the Aims and Modes and central ideas.

Have a works cited section where you list the reference for both essays. Also use proper MLA format for the quotes in your paper.

Please write a 5-6 page paper including the following information.

Be careful to edit your mistakes. This paper cannot be revised. If it is not accepted, it must be rewritten using different essays.

Articles to choose from:

1.      How Coffee Influenced the Course of History Lydia Zuraw 


2.      Global Warming Heats Up by Jeffrey Klueger


3.      The History of the Peace Symbol  by Mark Sinclair


4.      A Day in the life of Tiwi Aboriginal by  Sabina Lohr


A Paper

Aim: Referential/Mode: Classification

#1- Give author and title of both essays and a short summary of each essay.

#2- Identify primary aims of both essays. Define aim and give two examples from the text that demonstrate this aim.

#3- Identify primary modes of both essays. Define mode and give two examples from the text that demonstrate this mode.

#4 Identify secondary aims from both essays. Define aim(s) and give one example from the text that demonstrates the aim(s).

#5 Identify tertiary aims from both essays. Define aim(s) and give one example from the text that demonstrates the aim(s).

#6- Identify secondary modes in the both essays. Define mode(s) and give one example from the text that demonstrate the mode(s).

#7- Identify tertiary modes in both  essays. Define mode(s) and give one example from the text that demonstrates the mode(s).

#8- Write a conclusion that summarizes the above analysis and states the CENTRAL IDEAs of essay. Here you can focus on comparing and contrasting the ideas expressed in the two essays.

Include Works Cited at end in proper MLA format for both essays



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