How to write a concept analysis paper in nursing 30+ free examples

As a nursing student, a time comes when you are assigned a concept analysis paper assignment. While it is a challenging paper, if done well, you will enjoy writing it. In this article or guide, both for nurse students and practicing nurses, we take you through how to write a concept analysis paper that scores an A.

This guide uses examples where necessary to make it possible to write a concept analysis paper, even if it is your first time. It has been developed by expert nursing writers who have written a handful of concept analysis papers for our ever-widening nursing student client base.

Students who have ordered model concept analysis papers have witnessed improved performance and knowledge. The samples are written from scratch and thus 100% plagiarism-free. They are also custom-written based on research, citations of recent scholarly sources, and instructions.

We also work with nurse educators to generate original, well-cited, and organized sample concept papers. Thus, as you read, know that the guide was compiled by experts in the nursing field, especially nursing research.

At this point, we only wish you all the best in every step you take and the decision you will make after reading this guide.

What is a concept analysis paper in nursing?

Let’s begin with the definition of a concept. Concepts are defined as the basic blocks of the theory-construction process. Concepts have defining attributes or characteristics that distinguish them from other concepts. They are mental constructions and attempts to order our environmental stimuli meaningfully.

Concept analysis refers to the examination of the structure and function of a concept. It is a formal, rigorous, and precise linguistic exercise used to determine the defining attributes of a concept.

A concept analysis paper analyzes a concept related to nursing education, administration/management, and practice.

A concept analysis essay, assignment, or paper entails a review of literature related to the study of the chosen concept from different disciplines. The review of the literature helps illuminate the meaning of the concept you have selected.

Importance of concept analysis

We have defined concept analysis as the process of examining, evaluating, or deconstructing the essential elements that make up a concept. It is used to:

  • Distinguish a concept from similar concepts
  • Determine the internal structure of a concept
  • Refining ambiguous concepts in a theory
  • Clarifying overused, vague, or confusing concepts prevalent in nursing practice for consistency in interpretation and use
  • Reaching a precise operational definition that increases the validity of the construct. In addition, it helps the theorist or researcher construct hypotheses and statements that reflect relationships between concepts.
  • Constructing research instruments, measurement tools, or interview guides before the actual research
  • Developing a standardized language to be used in nursing practice
  • Clarifying nursing terms that have become catchphrases and lost their meaning
  • Tool for nursing language development
  • Useful in instilling good practice in thinking

How long is a concept analysis paper?

In most cases, a concept analysis paper can be anywhere from 8 pages onward. However, most of the students who have sought help with writing concept analysis papers from our website have ordered 10-15-page papers. The length of the paper does not include the title page, reference list, and appendices.

When writing concept analysis papers, most instructors prefer developing the paper in three steps. The first one is usually the concept choice paper, which can be two pages long. Next, the instructor will give their feedback on the concept.

The second one is the concept analysis outline, which includes the introduction through the literature review. Here, the student uses peer-reviewed scholarly nursing sources styled in APA format. The concept analysis outline accounts for a portion or percentage of the grade of your concept analysis paper. The concept proposal and outline are treated as one by some instructors.

Format of a Concept Analysis Paper in Nursing


The introduction to your paper informs the reader about the purpose of the paper. Stating the focus of the paper ensures that you attract the attention of your professor or instructor. Begin your concept analysis paper with a good hook.

You should then give a background on concept analysis. Here, you can define concept analysis according to the literature and explain its significance in nursing education.

Ensure that you define the term concept and explain why you chose the concept and its application to nursing research, education, practice, or administration.

Review of Literature

This is usually the largest section of your paper. It is where you identify the uses of the concept you have chosen. For example, if you have chosen concepts of caring, compassion, system-based practice, or love, you need to begin by providing a dictionary definition of your concept. You can also define it using lay sources and then academic or scholarly literature. Finally, check out the sample concept analysis paper by Metropolitan State University.

Review what the nursing literature related to your topic or concept says. You should then also review other two disciplines, such as psychology, law, or biology.

Every piece of literature used in the literature review section should be scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles, or textbooks. First, write a brief summary of each of the sources and then link them in a manner to develop a synthesis or analysis.

For instance, if you are talking about compassion as a concept, you will need to review literature in nursing and two other disciplines, such as social work or psychology. Ensure that the sources you are using were published in the last five years for relevance and recency. However, when you refer to some landmark piece of literature such as a nursing theory or theorist, for example, Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relationships or Jean Watson’s theory of human caring, you can use landmark pieces of literature that are old.

Once you have your articles, write an in-depth synthesis of the sources. You can compare and contrast findings, strengthen the argument of one author or refute it with another author, or cleverly use the findings to express ideas related to the concept. You can write down common findings, identify common themes, and synthesize the findings. A nursing literature review is not a list or a summary of a given topic.

Defining Attributes

Under defining attributes, you identify the defining attributes of your concept. This is the core of your concept analysis. But, first, you should identify the cluster of attributes frequently associated with the particular concept that give broad insights into the concept.

These are the characteristics of the concept, which you might discover as you read more about the concept or as you write your literature review. It is a list of characteristics, or defining characteristics, that are like differential diagnoses in medicine. They help you identify the occurrence of a specific phenomenon that is differentiated from another related one.

For the best analysis, try to limit yourself to only a few attributes that differentiate the concept from other related concepts.

Definition of the Concept

Under this section, write the definition that harmonizes all the defining attributes of your chosen concept. Your definition should be written in one- or two-paragraph prose or narrative format.


Ensure that you have cases that demonstrate the designated types of cases for concept analysis: model, borderline, contrary, invented, and illegitimate cases.

Also, ensure that you justify choosing a case study or why it meets the criteria by providing a rationale. For instance, when writing the model case, begin by defining what the model case means as per nursing literature before proceeding to the model case and why it meets the criteria of a model case.

You should be very specific and follow the above example in each of the six cases of a concept analysis paper.

Model Case

The model case is a real-life example of the use of the concept. It can include the critical attributes of the concept. You should include the specific defining attributes of the model case to illustrate the concept.

The model case helps you to be sure that you have the correct defining attributes.

  • Include all the defining characteristics or attributes
  • Include all the defining criteria
  • Include at least one antecedent and one consequence.
  • Reflect that if this is not an example, nothing is.

Borderline Case

Borderline cases include some of the defining attributes but not all of the chosen concept. Ensure that each borderline case has an identified defining attribute written in parentheses.

Begin by defining what a borderline case means, then contextualize your case.

Do not include the defining characteristics

It can be a metaphoric use of the concept

Include the antecedents and consequences

In the case of the concept of pregnancy, this could include dealing with a concealed or ectopic pregnancy that a woman is unaware of and the related consequences and antecedents.

Related Case

The related cases refer to the cases that are only related to the concept but do not include the defining attributes. Although the related cases might include the defining attributes, they might also include other attributes commonly mistaken for the defining attributes of your concept of choice.

Related cases demonstrate ideas that are similar to the main concept but differ from them when examined thoroughly or closely. It is often a close examination that helps clarify what counts as defining attributes of the concept you are analyzing and what does not count.

They should have names of their own and should be identified with their names in the analysis so that you can make cogent decisions. You also get to give insights into the surrounding concepts.

Contrary Case

The contrary cases do not include any of the defining attributes of the concept.

Invented Case

Write an invented case as per the explanation we gave initially.

For the coping concept, this could be a fictional case. Think of visiting another planet. A person gets there, and their physiology changes. They begin to exhibit supernatural powers. For instance, they begin eating rocks to survive. This can be a good case for coping.

Illegitimate Case

Write an illegitimate as per the explanation we gave initially.

Antecedents and Consequences

In this section, the antecedents are the required elements of events that occur before the concept happens. On the other hand, consequences refer to the events or outcomes that occur after the concept occurs or materializes.

The two cannot be the same. Besides, they cannot be the concept itself. Rather, the two are events that take place before and after the concept materializes, respectively.

Empirical Referents

Under empirical referents, you define how your concept is measured. Therefore, it is vital to look for two research tools on the concept. Primarily, these should be based on primary studies.

Describe the definition of the concept as per the researcher and the purpose and structure of the measurement tool. You can also describe a study where the tool was used, including the samples, purpose, methods, and main findings. In most cases, this information comes from the literature review section, if you had envisioned it.


This is the second-last part of the paper before the reference list. It becomes a third-last part if you have an appendix section for your concept analysis paper.

In this section, summarize the paper. Avoid giving any new information. There is no sequel, so do not leave your readers in suspense. Instead, use signal words that denote the conclusion or closure of your paper.

Concept Analysis Paper Template

When assigned to write a 10-15-page concept analysis paper, you can lay out the pages and word count as per the template below. We are assuming that by now

  • Introduction (200 words)
  • Literature Review (1000 words)
  • Definition of Attributes (300 words)
  • Definition of the Concept (300 words)
  • Model Case (200 words)
  • Additional/Alternative Cases (1000 words)
  • Borderline case
  • Related Case
  • Contrary Case
  • Illegitimate case
  • Invented Case
  • Antecedents and Consequences (300 words)
  • Empirical References (300 words)
  • Conclusion/Summary (200 words)

Examples of Nursing Concepts for Concept Analysis Papers

In most cases, nursing students write a concept analysis paper based on their area of specialization. For example, if a student plans to become a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), they will choose a concept like family support.

Another student who intends to be a Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (MHNP) can choose concepts related to dementia, Alzheimer’s, depression, trauma-informed care, or PTSD among war veterans, etc. At the same time, a student specializing in geriatric nursing could choose a concept like successful aging, aging in place, elderly abuse in home care settings, end-of-life care, or any aging-related concept that is relevant to nursing practice.

Another student who pursues women’s health can choose concepts such as postpartum depression, postpartum scar tissue massage, exclusive breastfeeding, restless legs syndrome during pregnancy, nutrition for pregnant women, UTI during pregnancy, postpartum nutritional supplements, mommy brain, vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), postpartum stroke, pelvic organ prolapse (POP), vasospasms, Raynaud’s syndrome, milk bleb, mastitis, or perinatal maternal health; the list goes on and on.

If you do not intend to incline to the practice side, you can generally look at the nursing practice. For instance, you can write a concept analysis paper on caring in nursing.

This list of concepts can help you get concept analysis paper ideas. They are the best topics for your concept analysis paper.

  • Burnout
  • Stress
  • Autonomy
  • Caregiver abuse
  • Therapeutic touch
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing career
  • Career development
  • AIDS education
  • Breathlessness
  • Pregnancy
  • Mental health
  • Mental illness
  • Stigmatization
  • Health promotion programs
  • Baccalaureate and associate degrees
  • Widows and widowers
  • Mutual help groups
  • Decisional conflict
  • Collaboration
  • Empowerment
  • Caring
  • Love
  • Hopelessness
  • Health illiteracy
  • Nursing productivity
  • Nursing turnover
  • Psychological acculturation
  • Transcultural nursing
  • Cultural competence
  • Compassion
  • Competence
  • Joy and happiness
  • Nursing workload
  • Patient autonomy
  • Resilient aging
  • Culture-centered nursing care
  • Family-centered nursing care
  • Self-management
  • Ethical competence
  • Role transition
  • Cancer survivor
  • Food insecurity
  • Nurse leadership
  • Nurse-patient ratio
  • Nurse-patient interaction
  • Proactive behavior in midwifery
  • Body image disturbance
  • Concealed pregnancy
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Alcoholism
  • Job satisfaction
  • Adaptation
  • Abuse
  • Meaning in work
  • Forgiveness
  • Inner strength
  • Genetic health promotion
  • Second victim
  • Waiting
  • Thermoregulation
  • Functional status
  • Healing
  • Denial
  • Chemo brain
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Abuse of aging caregivers
  • Attachment in older adulthood
  • Successful aging
  • Aging in place
  • Contamination
  • Capstone experience
  • Reflective practice
  • Journaling
  • Bioterrorism preparedness
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Patient safety
  • Quality improvement
  • Performance improvement
  • Epidemiology
  • Disaster management
  • Developmental care in NICU
  • Effective breastfeeding
  • Postpartum depression
  • Mastitis
  • Near-death experience
  • Nurse dose
  • Overconfidence
  • Pain
  • Preceptorship
  • Shadowing
  • Presence
  • Patient-centered care
  • Quality of life
  • Resilience
  • Pain management
  • Patient advocacy
  • Peer support
  • Coping
  • Maternal attachment
  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Intuition
  • Hot flash experience in men
  • Infant breastfeeding
  • Mutuality
  • Mother-daughter identification
  • Interactive teaching
  • Near-death experience
  • Adverse events
  • Reassurance
  • Role strain
  • Turnover
  • Serenity
  • Spiritual crisis
  • Teamwork
  • Therapeutic relationship
  • Symptom management
  • Differential diagnosis
  • Self-mutilation
  • Trust
  • Attachment
  • Volunteering
  • Play
  • Violence
  • Mental health
  • Mental fortitude
  • Grief
  • Holistic care

Tips and Hints when writing a Nursing Concept Analysis Paper

Here are some helpful hints to use when writing your concept analysis paper:. Remember, nursing writing takes a scientific approach. Therefore, it should be critical, structured, and well organized. Use the tips below to get the best grades for your paper.

  • Use scholarly and credible sources.
  • You can use websites with prefixes such judiciously.
  • If a published work is an example of a concept analysis of your concept, use it only for inspiration. It should only be used to understand how to write your paper. Do not lift word-by-word, as you will end up with plagiarism.
  • Never use colloquial expressions, informal language, or slang when writing your paper
  • Write the paper in your own words
  • Appropriately insert in-text citations to your paper
  • Avoid using broad assumptions with no data or evidence to back them up
  • In every section of your concept paper, ensure that you define facts according to literature and then explain or extrapolate.
  • You can define what concept, concept analysis, defining attributes, model cases, borderline cases, etc., mean.
  • Ensure that you have an updated reference list
  • Reference all the work that is not yours or common knowledge.
  • Use proper headings and subheadings to organize your paper.
  • If possible, use relevant transition words for a good flow.
  • Balance the number of words in a paragraph.
  • Format your paper in Times New Roman 12-point font with a 1-inch margin all-round.


To get this far, you now understand the steps of concept analysis. You can easily write a concept analysis essay, a research paper, a term paper, a journal article, or a white paper.

Our nursing writing service can come in handy if you need someone to help you write your concept analysis paper. We have professional writers who are qualified nurses themselves. They understand how to craft nursing papers that have zero plagiarism. Every paper is written from scratch. We custom-write the nursing papers to make sure that you understand the content when you read the sample papers.

99% of our nursing clients have expressed their happiness with our service. For one, we allow you to communicate with your writer. You can choose a preferred writer. We also hold your confidentiality and privacy in high regard. You can rest assured that the paper we give you will never surface online or anywhere.

Otherwise, good luck acing that concept analysis paper.

The second portion is the concept draft analysis, which is a complete version of the concept paper. It is a rough or first draft that is almost a complete paper formatted in APA. The last one is the final paper, which is worth the largest percentage of your concept analysis paper’s grade.

Place an order now to get help with your concept analysis paper.

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