Moon Journal Questions

Read through the directions, download the handouts, and complete the assignment. The assignment is ongoing and will need daily attention from the start date until the end date.

First Attempt Question Answers Due Date – February 17, 2018

Observation Start date – February 18, 2018 

Observation End Date – March 14, 2018

Due Date – March 18, 2018


For the next three weeks, you will observe the moon daily/nightly. Some questions to think about before beginning this project include:

  1. How long does it take the moon to complete one full cycle of phases (ie, how many days is it from full moon to the next full moon)?
  2. Which direction across the sky does the moon travel during one night/day?
  3. If you were to face south and look at the moon at the same time each night/day and record its position at this time each night/day, which direction will it travel across the sky?
  4. What is the source of light illuminating the moon?
  5. Is the same amount of the moon illuminated each day?
  6. How can you tell that the moon is not flat?

Your observation start date and end date is posted above. 

Before you make your first observation, answer the questions above. Post your answers on the discussion board titled “Moon Journal Questions – First Attempt”.  Your answers will not be graded for correctness, and wrong answers are expected – this is not necessarily common knowledge. Answer to your best ability without using outside sources. Participation on this discussion board is graded. Plan to think about these questions as you continue your observations.

Beginning on the start date, observe the moon near sunset or just before or just after. Do not wait too long after sunset or the moon will set and you will miss the observation for the day. Whatever time you observe the moon, try to observe the moon again at that same time for the next few days. Take note of the motion of the moon from night to night.

For each observation, record the date and time. Using the circles on your Moon Journal, shade in the dark regions of the moon so that the illuminated part of the moon remains white (pay attention to the orientation of the shadow). For example, a full moon will be left blank. If the night/day is poor for observing, try to return at a different time. If you cannot observe due to weather, indicate by writing ‘cloudy’ or similar within the circle.

Continue to observe the moon every night/day, adjusting the time that you observe the moon to be sure that you do not miss an observation. After a few days, it may be easier to observe the moon during day time. Make sure to record the time of your observations.

Take a picture of yourself (selfie) observing the moon on one day or night.

After the last day of observation, answer the questions again on your answer sheet. Try to use your observations as the only source to answer the questions.

On the due date, turn in your completed report. Your report will be considered complete if it includes

  1. your moon journal,
  2. your answer sheet after observations,
  3. a picture of yourself (selfie) observing the moon,
  4. a ½ – 1 page discussion of your results.

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