#2 Discussion Post/ and student response
This is a class discussion post that needs to be approximately 2-3 paragraphs in length.
***Discussion Post should be followed accordingly each question asked needs to be answered.
********I will post the students response below. With the Student response it should be 1 paragraph in length reply to the students disccusion.
********************Discussion Post*****************
Has the Presidency become too big? Is there a way for Congress to reassert its power without creating a power vacuum or gridlock?
************************ Student Response***************************
I believe that the presidency has not grown to big. It is important to recognize the role that the media has played in this situation. This last presidential elections saw an inflated social media presence that had not been seen in the past. Because of the media presidential elections get more attention from citizens. Citizens equate increased attention to greater importance. I believe that this is very untrue. Most local and congressional elections get overlooked and do not receive much if any attention. What people fail to take into account is that the president can only serve a maximum of 8 years while Congress men and women can serve an unlimited amount of times. The impact of a president on the country can be huge but it can be swiftly overturned by the next president as evidenced by many of the Obama’s policies that Trump overturned once he was sworn in. Acts of Congress are far more difficult to reverse. That difficulty is increased because the turnover rate in congress is relatively low. I also do not believe Congress has to reassert its power. Congress can literally just wait out a president in order to push through bills a sitting president will not let pass. The real power lies in the last man standing and that will almost always be Congress.