Response B1 A 200-250 word response must be posted to the discussion forum
The effective project team leaders are social architects who understand the interaction between organizational and behavioral variables; suggesting that such team leaders should be able to minimize dysfunctional conflict and to foster a climate of active participation.
Yukl (1994) suggests that leaders’ effectiveness is derived from four sources:
The level of power and influence possessed by the leader;
How the leader interacts with others;
The leaders’ personal qualities;
The situation in which the leader is asked to lead.
Given their managerial controllability, this research focuses on the first two sources of leader effectiveness:
The NPD team leader’s power and influence (as reflected by position in the organization); Internal Dynamics of NPD Teams Healthy internal dynamics are essential for effective cross-functional NPD teams and, consequently, for the successful development of new products Specifically, the conflict resolution behaviors collaboration and communication behaviors of cross-functional NPD teams have been shown to have a tremendous impact on their performance. However, the mismanagement of these internal dynamics is among the most often cited barriers to effective NPD team functioning. In the present study three types of internal team dynamics is considered:
(1) conflict resolution strategies; (2) collaboration; and (3) communication behaviors.
Collaboration is defined as the degree to which the members of the NPD team work together to accomplish specific tasks. Collaboration is indicative of effective team dynamics and an antecedent to improved team performance. Although some researchers consider collaboration as yet another form of functional conflict resolution strategy, others suggest that it as a much broader construct indicative of general integrative and supportive interpersonal cooperation among team members. Though some overlap is expected with functional conflict resolution strategies, collaboration is considered to be a distinct but related component of the internal dynamics of NPD teams.
As per my opinion, The Leader exchange style, which means exchange of favors between the individuals. It may be between the boss and subordinate or may be occur between two same grade people’s. For this leadership style need to know the how to develop, how to maintain relationship and how to follow up the work.
By The Way You Think (Full Class). (n.d.). Types of Leadership Styles. Retrieved September 09, 2016, from