A+ Answers of the following Questions

Question 1 Bribery, though commonly thought wrongful, arguably can be considered moral pursuant to:

 a.Utilitarian ethics if the overall greater good is achieved by paying the bribe even though there are certain negative consequences for some stakeholders (such as the competition and the host society).

b.Ethical egoism from the vantage point of the company paying the bribe if they really need the contract with the foreign government and they have a policy of “letting the locals deal with the locals.”

 c.Ethical relativism if making the lavish “gifts” (that is, “bribe” payments”) to foreign government officials is considered to be an acceptable and appropriate practice and custom in the host county.

d.All of the above.


Question 2 Pat, product development manager for Agricultural Hybrids, Inc., applies Utilitarian ethics to determine that an action is morally correct when it produces

The greatest good for Pat

The greatest good for the most people affected by the action

The greatest good for Pat’s company and its shareholders since they are the only true stakeholder groups

Good emotional feelings that arise in Pat



Question 3 Ethics is best described as:

The metaphysical study of ultimate reality.

The theoretical study of morality.

The constitutional analysis of equal protection and due process decisions


None of the above.


Question 4 Which is false about the Italian political scientist and philosopher, Niccolo Machiavelli?

He viewed people generally very negatively in that they are selfish, greedy, unscrupulous, treacherous, cowardly, stupid, and short-sighted.

He believed that the only true reality, value, good, and goal is power.

He believed that a “virtuous” action could be a traditionally “bad” one if was absolutely necessary to achieve and maintain power.


all are true.


Question 5 Machiavellian “ethics” is basically premised on the views of:

The Roman Catholic

Church Socrates

The Sophists

The Italian parliament.


Question 6 Ingrid firmly believes that each person must look at her own feelings of what is right and wrong in order to decide what is moral. Which of the following ethical theories most accurately describes Ingrid’s beliefs?


Ethical Emotism

Social Justice

Ethical Relativism


Question 7 Which statement is NOT part of Kant’s Categorical Imperative?

a. When in Germany, do as the Germans would do.

b. Treat people always with dignity and respect.

c. Act only under those maxims that you would be willing to have as universal “laws.”

d. Act only if you would be willing to be the agent/giver or the receiver of the action.


Question 8 The famous French adage, “The heart has its reasons that reason knows not,” is best reflected in what ethical theory?

 Kant’s Categorical Imperative.

 Ethical Relativism.

Ethical Emotism

Legal Postivism.


Question 9 Which of the following is not an accurate statement?

The fact that there are differences among societies in moral positions means logically that there are no, and can never be, any moral standards or rules.


The doctrine of legal positivism would maintain that a business person rely on the law as a basis for decision-making when confronted with a moral question.


According to the Hobbesian view of legal positivism, there can be no such thing as a bad, immoral, or unjust law.


According to Bentham, Utilitarianism is an objective, scientific, mathematical, and empirical ethical theory.


Question 10 According to the Natural Rights theory of John Locke,


a. All people possess in the State of Nature and thus by the Natural Law certain inalienable rights – the right to life, liberty, and property.

b. Natural Rights supersede any legal, government, or political laws.

c. Natural Rights supersede any social conventions and local customs.

d. All of the above.




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