only Taylor Rodman

GOAL:  To analyze a model case study published in “Case Studies for Global Health: Building Relationships, Sharing Knowledge.”


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, Global Health Progress (GHP), International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) and the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) have published a set of thirty-three (33) multi-sector case studies to identify ways in which key stakeholders are addressing global health concerns. These case studies briefly describe existing or planned collaborative relationships, projects and transactions with the aim of sharing lessons learned with the wider global health community. They cover the spectrum of global health work including research, development, delivery, and financing mechanisms.


To complete this case study analysis, do the following:


…the “Case Studies for Global Health here:  and here:  


…through the table of contents on page 7 of the .PDF document, (there is a 2009 and a 2012 document)


…a Case Study from the booklet to analyze.  You may choose a case study based on a health topic of interest to you, or based on an area of the world of interest to you.  Read your chosen Case Study thoroughly.


…a 5 – 6 page paper about your Case Study, providing a critical analysis of the Case Study based on what you have learned in class.  You should make comparisons between information learned in class & issues discussed in the Case Study, drawing conclusions about the majors lessons learned from the Case Study.  Your paper should:

…have a well-written introduction and conclusion.

…use specific examples, be thorough, be clear, cite sources, and provide plenty of detail.

…NOT be a repetition of what is written in the case study.  I have read them already; you do not need to tell me what they are about.  You do need to tell me how they are related to what you learned in class, and to global health in general.


…your completed paper as an MS Word document via Blackboard before 11:00 pm on Friday, May 5, 2017.

Make certain that this assignment complies with the Requirements for the Submission of Written Work listed in thesyllabus. Include a title page, and references as well.


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