Case study of nursing_2000 words
This assessment provides you with the opportunity to:
1. Discuss four social factors that impact on the health of a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background (approximately 230 words per factor, 925 words in total this section). Your discussion must be supported by a minimum of 5 references.
2. Analyze the scenario below to identify four health problems that require further assessment and follow-up by the Registered Nurse (approximately 230 words per factor, 925 words in total this section). For each of the identified health problems, clearly state what the problem is and then discuss what further information is needed by the Registered Nurse to enable the assessment of each health problem. Give examples of the questions that you might ask about each health problem to get this information. Your response must be supported by a minimum of 5 references.
The two responses are to be presented as a formal scholarly essay, supported with reliable sources of evidence which have been referenced correctly using the Harvard Referencing System.
‘Uncle Jim’ is a 62 year old Aboriginal gentleman who has a long history of poor health. He lives with his family and friends in Alice Springs and sometimes spends long periods of time with relatives in other locations. He travels to Adelaide every few months for assessment and treatment of his health conditions. He is not able to independently manage the medicines that he has been prescribed and he needs assistance with some activities of daily living. His daughter Sue is his main carer and she has her own health problems, so sometimes has difficulty looking after him.
Systems Review
Uncle Jim’s family report that he has become very forgetful during the past year and now needs close supervision and support. He is easily confused when in new surroundings and has trouble remembering people’s names.
Uncle Jim has a history of cigarette smoking and has been diagnosed with chronic respiratory disease. He has been admitted to hospital twice during the past year as a result of chest infections.
Uncle Jim has a long history of hypertension and has been prescribed antihypertensive medications. He has a poor tolerance of physical activity and occasionally complains of chest pain when he is exerting himself.
Musculoskeletal and Integument
Uncle Jim can use all limbs, and is able to walk a short distance with assistance. The condition of his feet is poor and there are scars on his legs from ulcers that he has had in the past.
Uncle Jim has type 2 diabetes mellitus which he manages with a diabetic diet and oral medication.
The paper must be presented as a formal scholarly essay with the following sections:
Section A – 100 words
The introduction should catch the reader’s attention in an interesting way and introduce what will be discussed in the assignment.
Section B – 1850 words
This section should address two specific areas:
1. Discuss four social factors that impact on the health of a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background (approximately 230 words per factor, 925 words in total this section).
2. Analyze the scenario above to identify four health problems that require further assessment and follow-up by the Registered Nurse (approximately 230 words per factor, 925 words in total this section). For each of the identified health problems, clearly state what the health problem is and then discuss what further information is needed by the Registered Nurse to enable the assessment of each health problem. Give examples of the questions that you might ask about each health problem to get this information.
Section C – Conclusion 50 words
The conclusion presents a brief paragraph that ties together the main points of the assignment, but does not introduce new ideas and generally does not include new literature or direct quotes.
Section D – Reference List
A minimum of 10 references (five for each section of the assignment) from reliable sources of evidence such as journals and textbooks should support the assignment. They should be referenced correctly using the Harvard Referencing System.