Change Analysis Paper (answer attached)

Change Analysis Paper

Find a change situation within your own organization (where you work now or where you worked in the past) to analyze.

The paper focuses on the six different images of managing change.  These images of change represent the various ways managers view the most effective strategy to bring about change.  Each one represents a mind set that is unique to a manager as they try to summarize the key components of change.  

This paper should focus on evidence that demonstrates how the management of the organization integrated one or more of the Six Images of managing change  and what management could have done differently to increase the probability of successfully implementing the strategic change initiative.

1.Review concepts and theory for a specified content area organizational change management.
2.Write a two to three page analysis (double spaced) on the application of the change management concept as it applies to your organization.

The following format should be followed
1. Introduction
a. Briefly explain the strategic change initiative
b. Briefly explain the importance of the Images or Vision concepts and its application to a strategic change initiative
2. Application Analysis
a. Gather information within your organization that supports the strategic change initiative.
b. Address each concept and apply it to the strategic change initiative based on the information you gathered or found in the case.
3. Lessons Learned
a. Briefly explain what you have learned by applying the concept to the strategic change initiative.
b. Based on what you learned, explain in some detail how a practicing manager could use this knowledge to better manage change.
c. Identify any mistakes that were made in using the change concept and how you would fix the situation.

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