Can you do it?

I just want a simple respone to these students discussions just simple reply with 100 words each from your own words do not copy any thing from the internet.


Please no plagiarism.


Here is the first one


 Nations do not only engage in just wars. What nations do though, is justify their wars with the human factor by broadcasting the war with humane issues and innocent people being killed at the forefront. Behind the scenes, what most people don’t see is the financial view of the war. America especially likes to hide their motives for war. We have a lot of money and resources invested in many parts of the world. If there was an issue with the local people or the nations government America will be the first ones there and the last ones to leave. Not to mention that we may never leave. I am sure as long as I am alive America will be involved with the Middle East. There are many different types of war like the religious land control war in Israel or the oil war in the Middle East. It doesn’t matter what the reason is for the war it does no benefit for anyone. There are people dying, land being destroyed, and money being spent that is not necessary. I cannot think of one beneficial war that has happened especially in the recent history of America because everywhere we get involved we make the situation worse by forcing our beliefs and power on other governments and people that do not want it.


And here is the second one


I personally don’t think nation engage only in just wars. I believe that many wars become a result in a nation getting involved within revolutions in other countries to protect interests. For example I personally believe that the reason America has gotten involved in certain wars is due to trying to protect economic interest like oil supplies. Sometimes wars do occur to protect a nation’s security but that is not always the case with war. Sometime was doesn’t even start off as an issue of national security but it starts off as a disagreement which than tests the limits of national security. Theres are a lot of different reasons why a country might or might not start a war or might or might not get involved within a war. For example, there have been many times when country have started or gotten involved in war due to a morality issues within the country. On the other hand no one has even looked or started a war recently with North Korea and many people can say within that country there are a multitude of morality issues. So clear countries are able to pick and choose which morality issues they want to fight against. The word morality is used by so many countries to cover up them getting involved due economic interests within the host country. 

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