







Urban community

















 Power is the production of causal effects within the society and being in possession of control and influence over others. The transformation of the society as resulted in a situation whereby political power is no longer in the hands of a small number of people within the society. People’s ability to vote democratically has profoundly influenced by the political state of their nations and those who are to be in power (Dahl, 2007). This paper focuses on the overall analysis of urban community power by Robert Dahl.

            Robert Dahl’s work presents a state of pluralism within the political structure. There is a dispersion of power due to the involvement of some groups and their interest to compete for the political positions. However, their performance in these political positions is under scrutiny by the society that voted them into power (Dahl, 2007). The need for the participants to compete for their effort to be recognized is further increased by the educated societies who are self-conscious concerning the political state of its nations. Therefore, the society’s influence and knowledge lead to the development of a democratic nation. The people’s opinion is what is taken into consideration by those in power.

Dahl presents the United States as one the nation that has diversified politically due to the influence of the society. Moreover, he further observes the development of other nations such as New Athens, which changed to pluralism form oligarchy, which is the effect of revolution on the political structure of the nation. The revolution is an important aspect in highlighting the economic difference between the society, whereby in the previous political system, there was increasing inequality of its political resources (Scott, 2012).


            The American political system have experienced have experienced significant transformation over time. The governance challenges which previously affected the American citizens were unequal decision making process by those in political position. The decision making were initially unevenly distributed. There was resentment and frustration among the citizens, while the Negroes went through slavery and oppression from the government in power.

            Many different leaders have replaced the domination by one set of cohesive leaders. The change was a step towards the achievement of democracy and consequently equal distribution of political resources, and, therefore, resulting in social stratification. Those in leadership positions are therefore seen to make a decision based on the influence of their constituents, who mainly comprise the community that they govern. It is, therefore, the preference of the community that is taken into consideration while the political leaders are making decisions (Scott, 2012).    

Dahl further highlights in the political system of New Athens as majorly influenced by a small stratum of individuals. These people, therefore, influence significantly on various political thoughts made by their leaders unlike the rest of the population. They are categorized as to live in a political subculture. Moreover, widespread of education to the society and the training on civic attitudes has significantly influenced by the mode of governance exhibited by the leaders to the society (Dahl, 2007). The elite leaders do not therefore solely makes decisions, but take into consideration the societies perspective view. In this regard, Dahl’s analysis presents power as both stratified as well as differentiated.          

The community has significance contribution to governance through their daily involvement. They influence on decision making as well as persons to hold political positions in their constituencies. This support on Dahl’s analysis regarding urban community power, which can be observed as to be stratified as well as differentiated by how those in power and the society coordinate in the process of ensuring effective governance as realized by the transformation in the US government. The influence of the people is therefore realized during elections, this is observable from the United States Michigan elections, those in power can be replaced if there is no observable effectiveness.   













Dahl, R. (2007). From Who Governs? and from. New York: university press.


Scott, J. (2012). Power, Domination and Stratification. Chicago: Printing press.

















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