Statistics Quistions and others

Please answer the questions below.  Be sure to use correct spelling and grammar.

A conscientious voter, Suzie, has been reading all of the presidential candidates’ platforms.  While reading the Libertarian platform, she comes across the following statement:  “The debt doubled under President George W. Bush — and doubled again under President Obama.”  (  Suzie is a conscientious fact checker and searches online for information about the national debt.  Suzie finds an article in the Washington Post ( and scrolls down to the last two charts.
Find the graph titled “Change in debt from taking to leaving office”.

1.  What is meant by “Non-adjusted trillions of dollars”?  Why is this misleading?

2.  The height of President George Bush’s bar is slightly lower than President Ronald Reagan’s bar.  Does that mean the national debt went down? 

3.  What is the height of President Bill Clinton’s bar?  What is the height of President George W. Bush’s bar?  

4.  Referring to question 3, is President George W. Bush’s bar more than double that of President Bill Clinton’s?  Does that verify for the Suzie the claim that “The debt doubled under President George W. Bush”?


Find the graph titled “Percent change in public debt”.

5.  If an amount doubles, what is its percent change?

6.  Does the graph verify for Suzie that “The debt doubled under President George W. Bush”?

7.  President Barack Obama’s bar shows a roughly 70% increase.  Does this disprove the claim that the national debt “doubled again under President Obama”?

8.  Find an example of a misleading graph in a popular online news source.  Submit it as a saved picture or as a screenshot. 

Cite the source.  Explain why the graph is misleading and how it could be improved.  Also note any positive aspects of the graph.

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