statistics project 1

Table 1:  Time (in Hours) Spent Each Week on a Resort Activity            
Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10    
Archery 54.1 54.5 55.1 42.8 52.0 59.6 58.7 47.2 44.6 58.8    
Boating 49.8 64.7 58.8 60.2 58.5 60.0 69.7 61.7 57.0 69.5    
Canoeing 46.4 58.6 50.3 62.3 43.5 67.2 50.6 52.9 65.9 51.4    
Fishing 68.1 96.3 80.2 52.1 53.4 60.7 95.4 76.6 86.2 94.7    
Golfing 556.0 652.1 660.3 500.2 625.3 699.4 676.1 607.9 551.5 630.0    
Horseback Riding 72.8 83.5 67.7 83.9 51.8 56.3 69.0 74.8 85.3 66.8    
Jet Skiing 63.6 56.0 64.0 53.0 65.7 49.1 48.4 55.0 56.0 51.2    
Kayaking 60.0 66.9 61.1 88.5 87.3 87.9 99.6 86.2 50.8 90.9    
Sailing 61.7 65.1 53.1 47.9 41.0 42.1 42.8 58.1 67.4 49.1    
Tennis 57.1 44.4 46.2 43.5 46.8 55.3 66.9 50.1 64.3 60.4    
Tubing 44.2 46.3 57.5 58.9 61.3 43.2 59.2 54.8 45.3 43.3    
Water Skiing 55.1 49.2 52.2 64.2 49.5 61.1 45.5 43.7 61.8 53.7    
Table 2:  Survey Responses
Guest First Favorite Activity Second Favorite Activity Number of Activities Tried Overall Rating of  Resort Activities Will Return in the Future?
1 Golfing Fishing 10 5 No
2 Horseback Riding Boating 9 4 Maybe
3 Kayaking Tubing 9 4 Maybe
4 Tennis Golfing 7 4 Yes
5 Golfing Sailing 5 3 Maybe
6 Fishing Horseback Riding 8 5 Yes
7 Horseback Riding Boating 12 5 Maybe
8 Kayaking Canoeing 4 3 No
9 Golfing Horseback Riding 5 2 Maybe
10 Fishing Golfing 11 4 No
11 Kayaking Tubing 5 3 No
12 Tennis Horseback Riding 12 3 Yes
13 Sailing Golfing 12 5 Maybe
14 Golfing Kayaking 2 3 Yes
15 Fishing Canoeing 10 5 Yes
16 Horseback Riding Fishing 11 5 Maybe
17 Horseback Riding Sailing 9 3 Yes
18 Canoeing Jet Skiing 5 4 No
19 Archery Kayaking 10 5 Yes
20 Sailing Golfing 8 4 Maybe
21 Tubing Kayaking 9 5 Maybe
22 Golfing Kayaking 7 5 No
23 Kayaking Tennis 8 4 Yes
24 Golfing Kayaking 7 5 Yes
25 Golfing Canoeing 7 4 No
26 Jet Skiing Golfing 10 3 Maybe
27 Golfing Kayaking 6 3 No
28 Golfing Fishing 7 3 Yes
29 Canoeing Fishing 9 5 Yes
30 Fishing Water Skiing 8 5 Yes
31 Fishing Boating 12 5 Yes
32 Kayaking Tennis 10 4 Maybe
33 Jet Skiing Tennis 8 4 No
34 Horseback Riding Fishing 12 4 Maybe
35 Boating Canoeing 9 4 Yes
36 Fishing Water Skiing 10 4 No
37 Golfing Jet Skiing 5 3 No
38 Canoeing Horseback Riding 11 4 Maybe
39 Kayaking Horseback Riding 7 1 No
40 Boating Golfing 8 4 Yes
41 Horseback Riding Fishing 7 5 Yes
42 Jet Skiing Kayaking 12 4 Yes
43 Canoeing Fishing 4 2 No
44 Kayaking Golfing 8 4 Yes
45 Kayaking Canoeing 5 2 No
46 Canoeing Water Skiing 10 3 Maybe
47 Water Skiing Boating 3 3 No
48 Golfing Sailing 12 5 Yes
49 Boating Tennis 8 3 No
50 Golfing Fishing 9 5 Yes
51 Golfing Archery 12 4 Maybe
52 Kayaking Golfing 4 3 Maybe
53 Fishing Canoeing 10 4 Maybe
54 Fishing Jet Skiing 4 3 Yes
55 Fishing Canoeing 3 4 No
56 Golfing Canoeing 11 4 Maybe
57 Golfing Kayaking 10 3 Maybe
58 Kayaking Tennis 11 5 Yes
59 Tennis Kayaking 10 5 Yes
60 Fishing Archery 2 2 No
61 Water Skiing Horseback Riding 10 4 Yes
62 Fishing Jet Skiing 10 4 Yes
63 Fishing Golfing 7 2 Maybe
64 Golfing Fishing 7 5 Yes
65 Golfing Archery 2 4 Yes
66 Canoeing Golfing 11 5 Yes
67 Archery Golfing 10 5 Yes
68 Kayaking Golfing 3 2 No
69 Kayaking Archery 9 5 Yes
70 Horseback Riding Golfing 4 5 No
71 Fishing Golfing 7 5 Maybe
72 Kayaking Horseback Riding 8 4 Yes
73 Archery Kayaking 12 4 Yes
74 Kayaking Canoeing 12 4 Maybe
75 Archery Sailing 9 4 Maybe
76 Kayaking Jet Skiing 6 3 Maybe
77 Horseback Riding Golfing 5 2 No
78 Golfing Kayaking 2 1 No
79 Golfing Fishing 10 3 Maybe
80 Golfing Archery 6 4 Maybe
Table 3:  Number of Resort Guests and the Number of Resort Activities Available
Year Number of Resort Activities Available (x) Number of Resort Guests (y)
2004 4 800
2005 4 850
2006 5 925
2007 6 950
2008 6 900
2009 9 1000
2010 11 1250
2011 12 1375

Here is the tables you will need to work with in excel but I need to jump on another computer to send all the information. Mine is messing up.

2015-02-02 19:24

2015-02-02 19:31



 Tis is the instructions for it.





• This project may be turned in via Oncourse Assignments or at my office (Hayes 255-R). If I am not there, place it under the door.


• Students can work individually or in groups. The maximum group size allowed is three (3).


Students are to maintain academic honesty and professionalism while working on this project. If you elect to work on this project by yourself, then the work must be your own. If you elect to work on this project in a group then you can only work with your group members. There is to be no sharing of work among other groups or people outside of your group. Any use of someone else’s work outside of your group or another individual’s work will result in a zero for the project and possible other academic ramifications. If you have any questions regarding this please let me know.


• If working in groups, each group member must contribute to the project.


• If working in groups, please turn in only one (1) completed project file.





• If working in groups, please clearly list all group members.




• The work needs to be clear and well organized. Points will be deducted for work that is not clear or missing.




• Clearly label each part of the project.

• Note, you can use Excel, Word, or do the project by paper and pencil / pen. Work done by paper and pencil/pen can then be scanned if you are submitting the project via Oncourse Assignments. I will also take paper copies at my office.


All the data for the project can be found in the Excel file: Project1_Data. There are three worksheets in this Excel file. See the case below for information regarding the data.




















Liz has spent the summer interning as an assistant to the activities director at a beautiful resort. The resort property has two challenging 18 hole golf courses, numerous trails for horseback riding and hiking, and borders a large beautiful lake. The major resort activities include horseback riding, kayaking, canoeing, sailing, tubing, boating, jet skiing, water skiing, fishing, golfing, archery, and tennis.




There has been some talk lately about paring down the number of resort activities. Joan, the activities director, is wondering if there are too many activities for the guests. Perhaps, the resort should only concentrate on a few activities such as golf and leave other activities such as kayaking and horseback riding to local companies specializing in outdoor interests. Joan is concerned that guests are inundated with too many choices and feel as if they must try everything in order to get their money’s worth. In addition, the director is concerned about the costs of maintaining and the difficulty of scheduling all the different resort activities for the guests.




Liz has enjoyed her summer internship, especially working for Joan. She has gained some valuable work experience and would love to one day work as a manager at the resort once she finishes her undergraduate business degree. As her internship winds down, Liz wonders how she might be able to help Joan in her decision making regarding the resort activities.

By nature Liz is a numbers person. She enjoys collecting and analyzing data. Out of curiosity, Liz has been keeping track of the time spent (each week) on the major resort activities for the past ten weeks. Table 1 (see Excel file) shows the amount of time (in hours) spent each week by guests on a particular resort activity. For example, in Week 3 the total time spent by guests on tennis and kayaking was 46.2 hours and 61.1 respectively. The time spent per week is higher for golf since one typical round of golf usually takes four to five hours and resort guests usually play a few rounds per week. Liz decides to spend some time analyzing this collected data.





In addition, Liz decides to conduct a short survey for departing guests concerning their resort activities experience. Liz includes the following questions in her survey:




1) What was your first favorite activity?








2) What was your second favorite activity?




3) How many resort activities did you try during your stay?




4) On a scale from 1 to 5 (where 5 is the highest, 1 is the lowest), please rate the overall quality of the resort activities.




5) Do you plan on returning to the resort in the future?

Liz ends up surveying 80 departing guests. Table 2 (see Excel file) contains the responses for the 80 guests who took her survey. For example, Guest 6 indicated that fishing and horseback riding were the guest’s first and second favorite resort activities. Guest 6 tried eight activities during his/her stay, gave the resort a 5 for overall activity quality, and does plan on returning to the resort in the future.


Finally, Liz is curious to see if there is a relationship between the number of activities available and the number of guests coming to the resort each year. She does some digging and is able to retrieve the number of major activities available and the number of guests coming to the resort for the years 2004 to 2011. The resort opened to guests in May 2001. Table 3 (see Excel file) shows the number of major resort activities available and the number of guests that stayed at the resort for the years 2004 to 2011. For example, in 2009 there were 1000 resort guests and nine major activities available.





Liz decides to spend the final week of her summer internship organizing and analyzing all this collected data. Before departing she will provide Joan with a report of her findings and analysis. Liz is hoping that the report will be helpful to Joan as she makes decisions concerning future activities at the resort. Liz plans on including tables, graphs, numerical measures, observations, and recommendations in the report.


Project Requirements




The following needs to be included in one’s report:








1) Create frequency and relative frequency distributions for the first and second favorite guest activities. One will find this data in the Table 2 worksheet of the Excel file.

• Total points possible for this section: 10 points


The frequency and relative frequency distributions for the first favorite activity are worth 5 points.





• The frequency and relative frequency distributions for the second favorite activity are worth 5 points.




• Rubric for the distributions:

o 4 to 5 points: Done correctly or there is a minor error












o 2 to 3 points: Has made a decent attempt; however, there are errors.


o 0 to 1 points: Has not attempted or has not made a decent attempt.





2) Create bar graphs that show the frequencies for the first and second favorite resort activities. The bar graphs should include titles for the horizontal axis and vertical axis and data labels. One will find this data in the Table 2 worksheet of the Excel file.

• Total points possible for this section: 10 points


Each bar graph is worth 5 points.





• Rubric for each bar graph:

o 4 to 5 points: Done correctly or there is a minor error. Titles for the vertical axis and horizontal axis and labels showing the data values are present in the bar graphs. The bar graph has gaps between categories.


o 2 to 3 points: Has made a decent attempt; however, there are errors. Missing titles and/or labels. No gaps between categories.


o 0 to 1 points: Has not attempted or has not made a decent attempt.





3) Create a pie chart that shows the percentages of the survey responses for the question “Do you plan on returning to the resort in the future?” One will find the responses in the Table 2 worksheet of the Excel file. Note, there are three possible answers: Yes, No, and Maybe. Be sure to note the categories and percentages on the pie chart and include a legend.

• Total points possible for this section: 5 points




o 4 to 5 points: Done correctly or there is a minor error. Pie chart has labels showing the categories and percentages and a legend.


o 2 to 3 points: Has made a decent attempt; however, there are errors. Missing categories, percentages, and/or legend.


o 0 to 1 points: Has not attempted or has not made a decent attempt.





4) Create a histogram for the number of resort activities tried by the guests. This data can be found in the Table 2 worksheet of the Excel file. Use the following classes for the histogram.




1 to 2




3 to 4




5 to 6




7 to 8




9 to 10




11 to 12







Total points possible for this section: 5 points




o 4 to 5 points: Done correctly or there is a minor error. The histogram has titles for the vertical axis and horizontal axis and labels showing the data values. Histogram contains no gaps.


o 2 to 3 points: Has made a decent attempt; however, there are errors. Missing titles and/or labels. Histogram has gaps.


o 0 to 1 points: Has not attempted or has not made a decent attempt.





5) Create a table that shows the different resort activity ratings and the number of guests that selected each of these ratings. Then calculate the weighted mean (average) of the ratings. The data can be found in the Table 2 worksheet of the Excel file.

• Total points possible for this section: 7 points


Rubric: o 6 to 7 points: Done correctly or there is a minor error


o 3 to 5 points: Has made a decent attempt; however, there are errors or missing some information.


o 0 to 2 points: Has not attempted or has not made a decent attempt.









6) Calculate the following numerical measures: mean, median, sample variance, sample standard deviation, range, and coefficient of variation for each resort activity. The data (time spent each week on a resort activity) can be found in the Table 1 worksheet of the Excel file. In a table list each activity and the numerical measures (e.g. mean, median) calculated for each activity.

• Total points possible for this section: 12 points


Rubric: o 9 to 12 points: Done correctly or there are a few minor errors.


o 5 to 8 points: Has made a decent attempt; however, there are errors or missing some information.


o 0 to 4 points: Has not attempted or has not made a decent attempt. Many errors.









7) Create a scatter diagram to see if there is a relationship between the number of resort activities available and the number of resort guests. The data can be found in the Table 3 worksheet of the Excel file.

• Total points possible for this section: 5 points














o 4 to 5 points: Done correctly or there is a minor error. The scatter diagram includes titles for the vertical axis and horizontal axis.


o 2 to 3 points: Has made a decent attempt; however, there are errors.


o 0 to 1 points: Has not attempted or has not made a decent attempt.





8) Calculate the sample covariance and sample correlation coefficient to see whether there is a relationship between the number of resort activities available and the number of resort guests. The data can be found in the Table 3 worksheet of the Excel file.

• Total points possible for this section: 6 points


Rubric: o 5 to 6 points: Done correctly or there is a minor error


o 3 to 4 points: Has made a decent attempt; however, there are some errors.


o0 to 2 points: Has not attempted or has not made a decent attempt. There are errors.






9) Finally, your report needs to include a write-up that notes observations and recommendations. These observations and recommendations should be based on and reference your tables, graphs, and calculations. The write-up should be a minimum of three paragraphs (each paragraph should include at least three complete sentences) and refer to your tables, graphs, and calculations. Use correct grammar and spelling in your write-up.





At least the following needs to be included in your write-up. Be sure your statements refer to your graphs, tables, and calculations.




1) Discuss what are the most popular and least popular resort activities.




2) Discuss the number of resort activities tried by the guests.




3) Discuss the resort activity ratings.




4) Discuss whether guests will return.




5) Discuss whether there is a relationship between the number of resort activities available and the number of resort guests based on your scatter diagram and covariance and correlation calculation results.




6) What recommendations would you make to Joan, the activities director, regarding future resort activities?




You may also include other observations and recommendations based on the results of your tables, graphs, and numerical measures.







Total points possible for this section: 15 points


Rubric: o 12 to 15 points: The write-up is well written (few or no grammar and spelling issues), is at least three paragraphs in length, and addresses most or all the requirements listed above. Your statements are correct and are backed up by references to the tables, graphs, and calculations. Minor mistakes.






o 7 to 11 points: A decent attempt at the write-up. However, there may be some grammar, spelling, and/or length issues. Also, it is possible that not all points are addressed in the report or one’s statements are not backed up by references to the tables, graphs, and calculations.


o 0 to 6 points: Has not attempted or has not made a decent attempt at the write-up. There are serious grammar, spelling, and/or length issues. The write-up does not include all the requirements and / or does not sufficiently reference the tables, graphs, and calculations.




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