Data Communication through Wireless Networks:

In this discussion we are learning about the data communication which has been occurring through the wireless networks or devices along with some of the advantages and disadvantages of those wireless transmission methods. In this article we are also discussing about some of the major applications of these wireless networks in the present society and their wireless application protocol. In present society most of the data transmissions are occurring because of the wireless computer networks between the network nodes. With the help of these wireless transmission methods the cost of organizations are reduced during the installation of business telecommunication networks. Before these wireless networks organizations are using some wired connection networks to transmit data or information from one place to another (Li, 2010).

Pros and Cons of Wireless Networking Systems:

Based on the usage of these wireless technologies in the present society there are so many pros and cons are available for the wireless data transmission methods in the business organizations. By using these wireless networks for data transmission we can transmit the information very quickly and accurately when compared to the wired networks. With the help of these wireless technologies we can access the data easily which is available from the various websites and databases. Employees can perform their work away from the office with the help of these wireless data transmission networks which are provided in the business organizations. Most of the security attacks are occurring in these wireless networks because data which is transmitted through these networks are done by using the internet connection. Some of the major problems that are occurring in these wireless transmission networks are speed, privacy and security issues in the present computational society (Paul, 2012).

Wireless Application Protocol:

The information or data which is accessing through the mobile phones by using some Wireless Application Protocols (WAP) which are mainly refers about the technical standard networks. Some of the web browsers like Wireless Application Protocols are used by the mobile devices like mobile phones, personal computers, laptops and tabs are using some protocols during the data transmission process. With the help of these WAP the services and opportunities of mobile devices are increasing rapidly from day by day in the present society (Zia, 2015).

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