Describe the best practice to employ to mitigate malware effects on a machine.
It should be 250 words with APA format and wothout plagrism
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Malware defined as a software program which is specifically designed to damage the system and to do unwanted actions by the unwanted persons referred to as the malware. In short, it referred to as malicious software. Hackers can gain access to the system and spread malware into your systems. It can be spread through online also, i.e., through downloads from the internet. Malware can also be spread through the USBs also. Malware is of different types namely virus, worms, Trojan horse, spyware are some of the common malware. Ransomware is a kind of malware which was designed to infect the system, and also it encrypts the user data. Malware can perform many activities such as it encodes or it can delete the sensible data from the computer alters and monitors the user activity on the system without their permission.
The virus is known to be as the most usual malware and it executes itself and infects the other programs on the system. Trojan horse is also one of the most known virus once it is installed into the system it slowly slows the system internally. Here are some of the best practices to top attacking from the malware they are:
• Most of the attacks have shifted to the browser and the plugins as it makes the browser more comfortable and it is difficult for the attackers to use adobe reader and other applications related to the adobe such as adobe flash player, Internet Explorer, etc., So, the chance of getting the malware into the system is rare.
• The other way to be safe from the malware attacks is to educate the users on malware attacks and how to prevent the attacks. The users must be instructed on the social engineering attacks too. Phishing is the most common attack the users must be trained to overcome the attacks.
• Users must protect their machines from the attacks which were hidden in the PDF files by making them more secure. Use the more enhanced versions of the PDF files.
• P2P is the simplest method for the distribution of the malware which usually hidden inside the data, which shared on the peer-peer networks. Users must create and enforce a non-P2P policy so that it includes the usage of the home of the organization machine. Users must accomplish the system at the desktop, i.e., by blocking the critical executable files of unwanted applications.