Government of Student Response

Name: June Nguyen          (Be respect and Understand)                                                              

                                                                                                                                                Salazar v. Buono

This case relates to the first amendment of the constitution which is the freedom of speech and freedom of religious. In the case Salazar v. Buono, which about a cross was erected as a memorial to fallen service members in a remote area within what is now a federal preserve. However, the court permanently enjoined the government from permitting the display of the cross, Congress enacted legislation directing the Department of the Interior to transfer an arche of land including the cross to the VFW in exchange for a parcel of equal value. In this case, Buono’s action was between both saying that Congress was acting against the first amendment by moving the cross, but when the Congress refers to the land swap, he prohibits it. His action and decision making the district court permanently enjoined the government from implementing that Act of Congress.

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