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Qualitative V. Quantitative Articles of Psychology
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Qualitative V. Quantitave Articles of Psychology
The discussion focuses on the comparison of the articles of the qualitative and the quantitative relationship of the article in the field of psychology. The key focus of the whole study is on the methodology of the research, the research questions, the hypothesis, and the general findings under the research. The study also focuses on the population sample comparison and the analysis used on both studies that are picked.
Possibility for generalization of survey findings to the larger population. The most important limitation of the survey could simply be the ability to generalize judgments to the sample within the actual study. Think, the highest purpose of quantitative research is generalizability. Therefore, both internal and external validity are crucial to give logical decisions and generalizations.
Today, the methodology aspect of this research program, in both quantitative and qualitative works, identifies the population, sampling process, too, as the distribution and its size. Moreover, this method outlines the tools and processes of this study. In qualitative works, the character of the investigator and subjects of trustworthiness are included. In both cases of works, the information analysis program is presented, as is the type of information to be gathered.
The research question for the quantitative study is a systematic review of the misconception in psychology in relation to the regression analysis. The research question of the qualitative analysis focused on the recommendations and opportunities for sports and exercise and application on psychology. The research methods of collection of data used in the study are the observation and the interviewing methods that can be used up in the data collection for the researches. The finding was that the data in the qualitative analysis was of correct and clearer understanding than the ones of the quantitative. The research shows that there is minimal use of the regression analysis in most of the studies. The study shows that many people also generalize on qualitative research compared to quantitative.
The population’s sample for the research was the books of psychology for the research question review on the misconception in psychology in relation to the regression analysis. The sample for the research question qualitative analysis focused on the recommendations and opportunities for the sports and exercise, and application on psychology is the books written in the country. The samples were chosen because the scale of the study of the population was wide.
On both research questions, the secondary data was used up to carry out the research. The information was easy to collect concerning the respective researches, and the primary data could have been more expensive and time-consuming. The method of analysis for the quantitative analysis article was the regression analysis. The analysis of the qualitative article was assessing the pattern of the reoccurrences to find the results for the research.Both important and secondary investigation gets their advantages and disadvantages. While important information is need-specific and level is also up to this sign, but it is costly and consumes more time. Alternate research, in contrast, is inexpensive, and that information collection is simple, but it is also likely that this information may be outdated and does not suit your requirements. Thus, before selecting any of these two, firstly analyze the qualifications, sources, prices, etc. to select the best research form for the work.
In conclusion, the articles show that qualitative analysis is theoretical as persons consider their opinions. The qualitative analysis, on the other hand, uses the numerical values to come up with a more definite answer to a study. The qualitative study gives a wider scope of the study with answers.
Ernst, A. F., & Albers, C. J. (2017). Regression assumptions in clinical psychology research practice—a systematic review of common misconceptions. PeerJ, 5, e3323.
Smith, B. (2018). Generalizability in qualitative research: Misunderstandings, opportunities, and recommendations for the sport and exercise sciences. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 10(1), 137-149.