- Refusing an Adjustment: Letter from Duncan’s Exotic Pets refusing a damage claim
As a well-known exotic animal dealer in the Cincinnati area, your boss, Roger Duncan, has dealt with his share of customers experiencing buyer’s regret. Despite his warning, many of them still buy their exotic pets for the wrong reasons. When Melissa Carpenter bought Binky, the red-tailed guenon monkey, she begged Mr. Duncan to reduce his price to $10,000 because she had “fallen in love with Binky’s soulful eyes and adorable button nose.” Now she wants to return poor Binky, and you have never seen your boss so angry.
“Listen to this!” fumes Mr. Duncan as he reads Carpenter’s letter
While I was at work, I locked Binky in his own room—which I equipped with his own color TV (with cable) and which I spent days wallpapering with animal pictures. Then last night Binky somehow unlocked the door, ripped out my telephone, opened the refrigerator, smashed eggs all over my kitchen and my new Persian carpet, broke 14 of the china dishes my mother gave me when I got married, and squeezed toothpaste all over my Louis XIV settee I inherited from my grandmother!
“Not only does she demand that I take poor Binky back after she’s abused him through her ignorance and neglect,” snapped Mr. Duncan, “but she wants me to pay $150,000 in damages for her car, her apartment, and her state of mind.” Your boss is so upset that you decide to write Ms. Carpenter yourself.
Your Task—
Write an adjustment refusal to Ms. Carpenter and include a copy of her contract. It clearly states Roger Duncan’s policy: refunds only if animals are returned in good health, and absolutely no warranty against damages. Each pet comes with specific care instructions, including warnings about certain idiosyncrasies that could cause problems in the wrong environment.
Despite the fact that Binky is probably traumatized by his experiences, Mr. Duncan has generously agreed to accept his return, refunding Ms. Carpenter’s $10,000. However, he will not accept liability for any loss of property or for any claims of mental duress on the part of Ms. Carpenter. Write the letter in an appropriate style.
Return Address—
Duncan’s Exotic Pets
4587 West Lafayette Place
Cincinnati, OH 45201Inside Address—
Melissa Carpenter
876 Newton Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45402Closing Lines—
Your name, Supervisor
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