asap plz 50-100 words
Give an example of a parent conference to explain to the parents the need for a referral for additional diagnostic testing.
SAMPLE Parent-Teacher conference scenario:
Ms. Mattiuz (teacher): Hello Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Thank you for attending tonight’s conference. It is such a pleasure working with Jodi (student) each day.
First I would let parents know Jodi’s strengths. Next, I would “encourage parents to share their observations of their child’s learning at home” (Otto, 2014, p. 354).
Ms. Mattiuz: As I have gotten to know Jodi these past few months, I have some concerns I would like to share with you.
Mr. & Mrs. Jones (parents of Jodi): What are they?
Ms. Mattiuz: I am concerned with Jodi’s lack of attention in the classroom and ability to complete her work, which is causing her to fall behind.
At this point I would show work samples and list the modifications I have made to help Jodi complete her work (Otto, 2014). In addition, the parents would be advised what the norm is for their child’s age/developmental level. I would continue by letting the parents know I have consulted with the school counselor, school psychologist, and the teacher assistance team.
Ms. Mattiuz: Have you noticed any similar behaviors at home?
Mr. & Mrs. Jones: Yes, we have. What can we do to help her?
Ms. Mattiuz: We would like to “find out more information” in an effort to offer Jodi the “best possible learning environment” by referring her for further assessment (Otto, 2014, p. 354)